Have you attended one of our FREE seminars yet? No?? Well, why not??

Total Health and Fitness is offering free seminars at our Draper location on many different topics regarding exercise, nutrition, weight loss, fat loss and muscle building.

David Johns presented “Reach Your Goals Through Weight Training” where he discussed different types of weight training for building muscle, increasing strength and reducing body fat. He also discussed pre and post workout  fueling strategies and even provided us with a hands on demo! Our registered dietitian (moi) was on hand to answer questions as well 🙂


David Johns presenting at our Draper location


We will be welcoming Dr. Jeffrey Nelson at our next free seminar on Tuesday Feb. 24th at 7:00 p.m. He will be discussing hormone imbalances and wellness and how uncontrolled hormones may contribute to weight gain problems. 

Call now to register!
