
What is the Best Pre and Post Workout Fuel?

2015-11-25T21:54:57-07:00November 25, 2015|

Often, when people want to lose weight, avoiding food at all costs seems like the only way to speed up the process. However, malnutrition can lead to a variety of health concerns. Weight loss programs in Utah and across the country should encourage a healthy and balanced diet, especially when it comes to workout fuel. So what are the best foods to eat before and after a gym session?

Are there Benefits to Carb Loading?

2015-11-19T18:51:03-07:00November 19, 2015|

Carb-loading can be a beneficial practice for some athletes in Utah, but it is not necessarily the best dietary approach for everyone. During exercise, the liver and muscles use glycogen–stored glucose–for energy. Glucose can be found in most food groups, but the body converts carbohydrates into glucose much more easily than proteins and fats.

Well hello!

2015-02-05T17:01:24-07:00February 5, 2015|

Welcome to the Total Health and Fitness Dietitian's Corner! The purpose of the Dietitian's Corner is to provide a forum with topics, Q&A and nutrition [...]

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