Want to look and feel your best? Start by taking care of your body and brain! While getting enough sleep and exercise is essential, your eating habits take center stage in shaping both your physique and the health of your psyche. 

If you’re like most people, you’ve probably tried a few different diets in your lifetime without much success. It can certainly be frustrating when you feel like you’re doing everything “right” and still don’t see the results you want… 

Don’t give up hope! Finding the perfect nutrition program for your unique body and lifestyle is possible, and it all starts here. To select a meal plan that is enjoyable, sustainable, and shows you real results, follow these steps:

Determine Why Past Diets Haven’t Worked

The first step in finding a suitable nutrition program is to reflect on why diets you’ve tried in the past didn’t work:

  • Did you have to give up all your favorite foods? 
  • Did your body not agree with your meal plan?
  • Did a high caloric deficit bounce back and bite you as soon as you stopped?

A clear understanding of why these attempts were not sustainable for you will simplify the process of finding a program that will be. Higher levels of both health and satisfaction are essential to long-term success!

Make Sure Your Meal Plan Suits Your Style

Have you pinned down what halted your progress in the past? Time to find a program that will actually work for you—and that you

want to follow! The most promising plan would be one that satiates your palate while satisfying your caloric and nutritional needs. You may also wish to consider:

  • Do you love to cook? 
  • Are you always on the go?

The most sustainable meal plan is one that suits your current lifestyle. Depending on your schedule, you may wish to receive recipes and cooking tips—or maybe quick and easy meal options instead!

Seek a Good Listener & Listen to Your Gut

Have you found programs that look promising? To narrow down your search, find out how much personalization each plan offers:

  • Do they take your tastes into account? 
  • Do they customize their plans per preference and body type? 

If you decide to try one out, listen to your gut—figuratively and literally! Ensure the program makes you feel good and clarify any concerns with your nutrition coach. Don’t forget to pay attention to how your tummy feels, too!

Measure Your Body & Balance Your Macros

Want to see your best results? Select a program that promises to measure your progress every step of the way! This can be done through different methods, though those that are typically the most fruitful are: 

  • Monitoring your body composition
  • Providing you with tech to track your nutrient intake (which will also help you stay accountable!)

Either way, it’s essential for a nutritionist to check in with their clients regularly, as well as help them hone in on their macros (carbohydrates, fats, and proteins), balancing them for each body type. 

Harness Prime Health With a Holistic Program

Do you prefer a holistic approach to health? Consider enrolling in a nutrition program that offers more than just meal plans! Incorporate all aspects of your health into one plan, you will be able to transform your life for the better:

  • Nutrition 
  • Fitness
  • Accountability

Total Health & Fitness’ three-tier approach can help you reach maximum health in no time (not to mention your biggest smile and prime physique)—and sustain it for years to come! Sign up for a free consultation today.